Fly fishing

Fly Fishing in the Rainforest of Royal Belum, Temenggor, Malaysia

If you are from the urban city, when you get to the jungle, don’t forget to suck it all in! Take deep breaths! I can always feel the difference in the air, just pure oxygen-rich freshness. Nick is the one who introduced me to fly-fishing in Royal Belum, who better than to do it with […]

Fly Fishing in the Rainforest of Royal Belum, Temenggor, Malaysia Read More »

Fly Fishing for Monster Fish – Arapaima, Redtail Catfish, Alligator Gar

In a very unexpected sort of way, taking up fly fishing has re-introduced me to the joy and thrill of fishing all over again. The process of learning the ropes and the excitement when you hook your first fish is suddenly rediscovered. It is like a new experience even though it is not. Quite strange!

Fly Fishing for Monster Fish – Arapaima, Redtail Catfish, Alligator Gar Read More »

Is Mongolia the Trout and Fly-Fishing Capital of Asia?

Twenty plus fish per fly fisher per day! – Nick That is darn good fishing by any standards. Throw-in the fact that you are fishing the same waters where the biggest trout in the world lurks (the mighty taimen) it really must get into ones bucket list. Other species to temp anglers in the Mongolian

Is Mongolia the Trout and Fly-Fishing Capital of Asia? Read More »

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