Most of you know the number one target species for most visitors to Kuala Rompin is the Indo-Pacific sailfish. So, what other species are caught either as by-catch or targeted species?
Below are some of the more notable or sporting species for rod and line. Although not a comprehensive list of species, this should give you a rough idea of the type of fish in Malaysia and its surrounding waters.
Before you think we can go and catch any of theses species, do note that these are pelagic fish, meaning they can move around quite a bit and may not be present when you want them to be.
Many of these species are also may not be where the sailfish are, if sailfish is your main target specie.
Other fish species you might encounter while fishing in Kuala Rompin, in alphabetical order:
Mostly juvenile black marlin – although the odd 100kg+ fish had been sighted with few landed. Most big marlin are often lost after an extended battle due mainly due to the generally light gear being deployed for sailfish.
It is difficult to specify the best time for marlin as they’ve been caught throughout the season, in very small numbers.

Here is a video of a decent size (by Rompin standards) black marlin from one of our trips.
Local name: Alu-alu
Considered a nuisance by some but can add to the day’s excitement and the big ones can be fun especially on lighter gear.
Two species of barracuda are present all year especially when there are many baitfish about, the yellowtail and great barracuda.

Local name: Ikan pisang
More often than not bonefish are a welcomed accidental catch on small/micro jigs and bottom rigs. There are a few spots that produce bonefish but they cannot be targeted like bonefish normally would be as there are no flats here to sight-fish for them.

Bonefish in Rompin are all accidental catches when targeting other species with light jigs or live shrimps.

Local name: Haruan Tasek
They are quite aplenty at times and can get quite huge. Always fun to catch as they can put up a good fight and many also find them a good eating fish.

Dorado aka Dolphinfish aka Mahi-Mahi
Local name: Ikan Belitung
The chicken and bulls of the sea! Always a welcome catch as they fight hard, are acrobatic and some say tasty.
You never quite know when you’ll run into these colourful hard-fighting acrobats. Almost always found around Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) or structures, often further out from shore in deeper blue waters.
Not a species targeted as a food fish locally but they sure a lot of fun to catch on lighter gear.

Local name: Kerapu
Species vary but they usually don’t come very big.
No particular best time to catch them, mainly factored in by hitting the right spot at the right time as these are highly-sought after fish by both local anglers and commercial fishers.

There are a few types of snappers found in Rompin waters but by far the most sought after is probably the red snapper. They are a highly prized food fish in the local markets.

Longtom Needlefish / Garfish
Local name: Ikan todak

Narrow-barred Spanish Mackerel
Local name: Ikan tenggiri

Local name: Ikan talang

Giant Trevally
Local name: Ikan gerepuh
The brute of the fish that every hardcore popper popping angler wants to catch. The giant trevally are found in Kuala Rompin, at times in surprising numbers but at the same time can be very elusive. You will need to be very persistent and make a thousand casts, or more, and get lucky to even hook one.

Golden Trevally

Yellow-spotted Trevally

Diamond Trevally

Bludger Trevally

Longfin Trevally
Local name: Sagai


Squid Fishing (Egging)
Local name: Candat sotong