This is the second time in two years that Saul is fishing with us at Kuala Rompin for sailfish.
The year before, the sailfish gave him a good workout and he had a blast, you can read that post here. Saul even got a few takes on fly when he attempted them though none of the sailfish stayed on the hook long enough.
This year, Saul is back again focused solely on catching a sailfish on fly – but the fishing was rather slow the two days we were out compared to the last time he was here.
The first time he was here in 2013 he was blown away with the number sailfish he saw. Including those that swam up right next to the boat giving him shots at them on fly. That is Kuala Rompin on a normal good day.
Fly fishing for sailfish is challenging and you’ve got to work really hard for them and if the fishing gods is smiling for you, the fish will be aggressive and aplenty.

Casting from the bow gives you a better view than the stern when drifting towards fish. The ability to make backcast deliveries quickly, comes in very handy.

Even if fishing alone, it will be good to have two rods ready – one ready on the bow and the other astern. Things can happen very quickly and you want to be there and ready.
The fishing was on the slower side and didn’t work out as planned. At least Saul still enjoyed some aspects of the trip here (or at least I hope he did).
Every outing, successful or otherwise, is a learning trip for everyone.