Natural Exotic Fish Fishing Pond in Behrang

The pond with the longest name, Natural Exotic Fish Fishing Pond (NEFFP), moved to this new location in Behrang, Perak in 2017.

We prefer to call this place EXOTIC POND which is not such a mouth full, and sound much sexier! What do you think?

Previously located in Rawang, Selangor – this popular fishing pond for monster freshwater fish relocated a distance of 66km from its old home.

The sign above the payment counter and entrance to fishing area
The sign above the payment counter and entrance to fishing area

Entry Fee
• Business Hours
• Location

Fish Species

There are many species of fish in here (about 20 species) as you can see below including some rare species. This pond provides many anglers the opportunity to experience catching fish species that would otherwise be very difficult to find in their wild habitats.

It will be a challenge however to catch many of them other than the more abundant and aggressive ones.

Commonly caught fish species here are:

  • Chaophraya catfish
  • Giant Mekong catfish
  • Amazon redtail catfish
  • Other species stocked in here are displayed in the photo below

A signage displaying the fish species available in exotic pond

The panels describing the stocked fish species (click to enlarge)

The place is quite huge resembling a complex of sorts and lots of white structures making the place almost feel clinical.

The pond is U-shaped and fishing is done in the middle.

Bait fishing and lure casting is easy but not so much if you intent to do some fly fishing as there is really only one open space available.

To fly fish you need a quiet day with little to no other anglers about and watch that back cast!

Platform on left splits the pond
Plenty of space for anglers but not so much for fly fishing
Plenty of space for anglers but not so much for fly fishing
Sufficient parking space

Exotic Pond Fishing Price

Fishing fee is RM100 per rod for 4 hours

Plus a RM50 deposit is required for each rod which you get back when you finish. keep track of your fishing time as they will charge extra if you exceed the four hours.

Notable points:

  • Pond is very well stocked
  • Fish are mostly big and powerful
  • Bait and lures allowed
  • Live bait available for sale
  • Rental of fishing gear are not available
  • There are workers to help out anglers to net and unhook fish
  • Landing nets are everywhere
  • Sufficient toilets
  • Ample water hoses for washing
  • Vending machines available with drinks for sale
  • No food for sale at location (few food stalls and shops nearby)
  • Ample carpark
  • Good road leading to/from pond

Some Catches

The chaophraya catfish are the most ferocious here if you’re after violent power and speed.
One of the most desired target species is the very aggressive and strong Chaophraya catfish

Most of the chaophraya catfish in here are huge (up to 70kg last checked) and they’ll readily eat lures and flies.

The amazon redtails are everywhere and pulls like a truck!
Catching these monster fish are most thrilling with artificial lures, but can be challenging.
A big armoured cat for Nick
Tuz landed this beauty on an 8wt setup before we ended the session
Tuz landed this beauty on an 8wt setup before we ended the session

As you can see from the pictures above, the Amazon redtail are the most aggressive/hungry/greedy/willing to bite, at least on that day.

A couple of fish was dropped by everyone including a Chaophraya catfish that took JW’s fly and put up a brief show of power before dropping the hook as well.

Business Hours

NEFFP used to open 24/7 but after the pandemic in 2020 it has revised its operating hours to 7am-3am.

Getting There

Click here for Google Maps location

2 thoughts on “Natural Exotic Fish Fishing Pond in Behrang”

  1. Is it closed?
    We tried to call no answer
    Do we need to make reservations?
    Do u provide baits for 4 hours ?

    1. The pond opens everyday except for special occasions. Get their phone number from the Google maps link in the article and contact the pond operator directly for enquiries.

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