It’s the end of the year and beginning of a new year period and that means monsoon season in the east coast of Malaysia so no fishing in Rompin. Our crew in Kuala Rompin takes a four months break, catching up with stuff and also maintaining the boats.
What’s exciting for the 2020 Rompin sailfish and fishing season are the two brand new boats that we will have including a big catamaran.
Get in touch with us if you’re thinking of catching some sailfish in Rompin and do it soon so as not to miss out on your preferred dates. Peak months of between July and October are already filling up quickly.
Meanwhile (as usual) during this period we do plenty of freshwater fishing targeting species such as toman (giant snakehead), sebarau (Hampala barb), peacock bass, mahseer and more.
It’s a nice change of scenery from the ocean to the fresh air of the jungle and its wildlife.
One of the most significant catch recently is Affendi landing a monster sized giant gourami or what we call kaloi on the fly!

The kaloi are famous for being unpredictable and a very finicky feeder so catching a huge fish like that is truly special. Kudos to Affendi for this fantastic catch which he handled like a boss.
Go here for a full report of the catch and some facts about the giant gourami. There is also a short video of how it all happened.