(If you have a tackle shop, outdoor gear shop or sports gear shop that you’d like us to feature, contact Juan)
Walking towards and into Great Ono feels like finding and meeting an old long lost friend.
Great Ono started in 1989 and the last time I went into their shop was sometime in the late 1990’s when it was located in its original location in Jalan Maharajalela Kuala Lumpur.
Then, it was neighboured by the other early fishing tackle shops of Malaysia during the infancy years of the local sport fishing scene, those neighbours are Fish Hunter and Sabre Tackle.
I don’t know what has become of Fish Hunter while Sabre Tackle has moved further up the road here.
Where is Great Ono
In 2008, Great Ono moved to its current location:
No. 13, Jalan Barat, Off Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur.
Opening hours:
10:00-18:00 Monday to Friday
10:00-16:00 Saturday
Closed on Sunday and public holidays

Good Times
I have almost forgotten about Great Ono having been mostly away from the city of Kuala Lumpur for most years until I had a chance meeting with one of its owners who are keen sport fishermen having started the shop due to their keen interest in fishing.
This chance meeting brought me to their office followed by a visit to Great Ono.
Although in a new neighbourhood, which happens to be a very old section of Kuala Lumpur, the familiar look is still there as soon as you step into the shop. Much of the old decorations have been adopted from the original shop.
One look and you know this shop has been around for a long time. But don’t let the somewhat tired look of the shop fool you, there are many surprises in store.
Occupying an old shoplot building adds to the charm of the place.
Old Hands
Manned by two very experienced “old-hands”, Jimmy and Sakai, you will be in good hands as they look after your needs.
Jimmy is familiar with freshwater fishing and Sakai has the saltwater department, so to speak. So now you know who to direct your questions to.
The owners of Great Ono have done well to decorate the shop inside out. There are plenty of things to look at when you are here.
Be prepared to look all around as the details are everywhere, even on the ceiling.
Beside fishing gear, there are also a multitude of posters, fibreglass fish mounts, apparels, a nicely framed giant map of the waters around the region, and much more.
A Well Stocked Tackle Shop in Kuala Lumpur
To list down all the different types of gear you will find in Great Ono may take too long, so I suggest you drop in to have a look yourself.
Great Ono not only sells the more familiar brands and models you’d expect to find in other local tackle shops, but they also bring in their own stuff. That’s a bonus as you may find some gems here that will catch that unsuspecting fish!
As you meander your way around the shop, you will discover nook and crannies with goodies attacking you from all sides. Be prepared, bring cash! Bring your credit cards! Or maybe don’t bring them!!
After a couple of hours, just when you think you’ve rummaged through everything, you discover there is another upper floor! OMG, tears or joy…and horror. Hahaha.
Once up the classic stairway, you will discover rows and rows of more lures, accessories and more interesting fish mounts on the walls.
You will find freshwater fishing stuffs in Great Ono, but the place is really stocked for the salties. If saltwater fishing is what you do a lot, you may find things in Great Ono and nowhere else in Malaysia.

Have a shop you want us to talk about? Contact Juan Wei
I´m coming to Malaysia february 2023.
Is there any place where i can fishing Giant Trevally on that time year?
Tomi Valkamaa
Åland Islands
Hi Tomi,
Not that we know of. February weather is generally not the most favourable for saltwater fishing here.
Hope you find something to fish.
Happy new year!
Juan Wei