I went for a quickie today. One of those things I do to de-stress from routine for about an hour or so. Having not fished this fishery for about a month I kept my expectations in check.
The place has seen heavy fishing pressure of late and the fish population would have been undoubtedly affected.
No Parking
The first thing that dawned in my mind when driving up to the water’s edge was not to park too close. You know how we like to get close so that we walk less and it’ll be easy for us to get to the car if we needed to retrieve stuff? Not a good idea when fly fishing, I would be kicking myself if a nymph or something cracks the windscreen during a back cast!
Stepping out, happy that I thought of the above, I tied on a shrimp imitation as I had success with it during my last visit. Quietly hoping for a repeat. In less than ten casts I saw surface commotions not far from where I was. I moved in closer and the action was over a large area within 20 meters from me. The hands tingled a little and the heart raced in anticipation.
Feeding Frenzy
Cast after casts was executed into the thick of action. Tried surface retrieve, then mid water and bottom retrieves. Slow strips, fast strips, pauses and nothing. After about 30 minutes I started to think, this sucked.
That was about when it crossed my mind that the only thing worse than going fishing and catching nothing – is having a feeding frenzy within casting range but not getting bitten!
I tried to figure out what species were feeding and what they were going after. I couldn’t see any insect and it’s happening out in the open. Or could it be something bigger pushing the smaller fish to the surface. So I thought a change of fly might work.

What’s Up?
Out came Crazy Charlie in red and sparkling silver. First cast, strip and Zippp! the Aircel floating line straightened exactly like how every fly angler dreams about. A fiery Peacock Bass though no giant just brightened up my day.
On the very subsequent cast a smaller Peacock Bass came flying out of the water as it grabbed the fly just as I was lifting the rod to start another cast. Two more fish came quickly after that.
Different thoughts was now going through my mind. Happier thoughts.
How quickly things can change but my happy-hour was up. I thought I had better get back for breakfast and get some jobs done.
I think too much.
Your turn. What do you think about when you fish?
you are one “hell” of a angler…I have never get bored being your fishing companion
Thanks bud! Let’s go catch some big ‘uns next month!