Tor battling his first sailfish

The Happiest Angler

People who smile and laugh a lot always brings with them a good vibe and sets the right cheerful atmosphere wherever they are.

We enjoyed fishing with Tor who has a great attitude. He could possibly be the most excited and enthusiastic angler I’ve met. And I’ve met quite a few. 

You should see him when he battled his first sailfish, and the next, he’s so happy. Made us happy, too. As you know laughter and happiness are infectious.

Tor from Norway contacted us about one month before their early July trip. This Southeast Asia trip with his brother covers a few countries and catching a sailfish is the highlight according to Tor. 

Their journey to Kuala Rompin is a small adventure in itself. After getting stuck in traffic crossing the border from Singapore, their hired high-mileage taxi broke down halfway in very heavy downpour. 

They eventually made it to Kuala Rompin in the  early part of the evening before fishing day. 

Fishing Day

I picked up Tor and Ash from their hotel the next morning and brought them to the boat. 

We were soon catching some baitfish and was the first at the sailfish spot. 

The other charter boats started arriving one by one and we soon realised the sailfish that’s been here appears to may have moved elsewhere. 

Nobody knew where the fish were in the morning.

Where The Fish?

With only one day fishing booked, the pressure was on.

At around noon, hoping we will not raise any suspicion, we quietly sneaked away from the charter fleet to another location where we hoped the fish might be.

We quickly setup after arriving and settled in for a delicious chicken rice lunch onboard.

It remained quiet although we see some birds every now and then. More scanning the skies later we spotted some birds in the horizon that looked like they might be onto sailfish.

We went in and almost immediately had a hit. First sailfish went berserk and it was a nice fish estimated between 25-30kg for an elated Tor.

This fish is ‘big’ for Tor, not just in the physical sense but the size has very special meaning to him and a few other people. We wish him a big congratulations and all the best!

Next was Ash’s turn and it was fish after fish for the next three hours. In the end we landed three of five hooked with two breaking off. We even had a doubleheader. 

Now that’s what we call a Happy Ending!

To get a piece of the action, contact us today.

Tor battling his first sailfish
Tor battling his first sailfish
One happy angler
One happy angler
Ash was next on a sailfish
Ash was next on a sailfish
A stunning first sailfish for Ash
A stunning first sailfish for Ash
Tor battles his second sailfish as brother, Ash, looks on and records the action
Tor battles his second sailfish as brother, Ash, looks on and records the action
Some boat side photos of Tor with another sailfish
Some boat side photos of Tor with another sailfish
A nice fish
Tor got to revive and release his catch
A happy Tor got to revive and release his catch

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