Now everyone can fly?
The Fly Fishing Association of Selangor (FFAS) is the first legally registered fly fishing association in Malaysia. It is registered with the Registrar of Society with the registration number of PPM-016-10-10032016.
Selangor is a state in Malaysia – our intention was to form the Fly Fishing Association of Malaysia but was rejected with the reason being we have to first start from the state level. We will eventually get there with perseverance.
Officially registered on 10 March 2016, FFAS’ main objective is to promote fly fishing, recruit members and ultimately get more people involved in the sport here.

I am a secretary
Born from the United Fly-anglers of Malaysia (UFOM), the first bunch of FFAS committee is mostly made out of some the earliest adopters of fly fishing in Malaysia.
Yours truly is the assistant secretary by the way. Never been a secretary in my life! There’s a first for everything!!
President: Dron Lee
Vice President: David Samuel
Hon. Secretary: Tony Wee
Asst. Secretary: Juan Wei
Hon. Treasurer: Dr. CK Ling
Committee: Sek Puei En
Nick Ooi
Eddie Lim
Nik Rahimi
An official website is in the pipeline, at the meantime there are plenty to do and prepare including taking part next month in the Angling and Outdoor Recreational Fair 2016 co-organised by Rod & Line magazine to be held from 27 to 29 May 2016.
For the time-being information and updates can be found in the FFAS Facebook Page.
I will also post updates and happenings periodically in our fly-fishing website:

The following two images shot by one of the boys that came that evening who I cannot remember his name. Hope he doesn’t mind me using his photos, I’m in them.