Taimen & Trout

Mongolia river and summer scene from air

Fishing in Mongolia for Trout and Taimen (Part 2 Video)

Could be sounding like a broken record and keep saying Mongolia is a stunning country but I will keep repeating that because it is. This video shows part of one of our 12-day trip fishing in wonderful rivers. Catching 20 t0 30 fish every day is not uncommon. Also watch some breathtaking aerial footage shot

Fishing in Mongolia for Trout and Taimen (Part 2 Video) Read More »

Southland’s Nomads of the Tides – Fishing New Zealand Sea Run Trout

By: Robert Beamish, Sydney Australia. Trout are often seen as an exclusively freshwater fish. In many parts of Australia, due to lack of stream spawning and natural recruitment and therefore almost total reliance on stocking to sustain fisheries, this is easy to understand. In other parts of the world, however, not just trout but many

Southland’s Nomads of the Tides – Fishing New Zealand Sea Run Trout Read More »

The mighty Taimen, mega fish of the Mongolian rivers

The taimen is the largest member of the salmonid family, which also includes trout and salmon. Taimen, also called giant Eurasian trout, is also known as Siberian taimen and Siberian salmon. LARGEST OF THE TROUT SPECIES IN THE WORLD. Now only found in the remote corner of Northern Mongolia, Hucho Taimen is known to the

The mighty Taimen, mega fish of the Mongolian rivers Read More »

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