Here’s a fish with an attitute! The lizardfish are found in tropical and subtropical marine waters throughout the world.
Family: Synodus
Lizardfish is generally a small fish, although the largest species are said to grow to about 60 cm (24 in) long. Like the snakehead that got its name from the way the head (duh!) resemble that of a snake, the head of the lizardfish resembles those of the common lizard. The lizardfish has a much more impressive set of dentures though. They have a mouthful of needle teeth, even on the tongue!

Fierce predatory fish with a big mouth. This one swallowed whole a soft-plastic fished on a Nitro jig head.

Source: Toothy Grin
This particular specie appears to be Synodus variegatus which come in a huge variety of patterns.
They are bottom-dwelling fish that occupy shallow coastal waters, the deepest dwelling lizardfishes lives in waters no more than 400 meters (1,300 ft). Some species in the subfamily live in brackish estuaries.
They prefer sandy bottoms and typically have camouflaged body colors. Its skin is transparent and scale-less.
Apparently they have some commercial use. Have you tasted one before? How are they like?
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