Was fishing the past couple of days with three fun retirees, Paul from Seattle, USA with Norm and Les both from Perth Australia.
Paul hooked up a nice yellow-spotted trevally which is locally known as demudok, also known as gold-spotted trevally.
Editor’s note: For a long time, we identified this fish as a huge orange-spotted trevally but turn out it is a yellow-spotted trevally (Carangoides fulvoguttatus). There are just so many “spotted” trevally that makes positively identifying them rather tricky.
We seldom see this fish this size, at least not so much here in Kuala Rompin so it is wonderful to see one.
These fish, like many trevally species, fight hard. What more a big one.
Shortly after the fish took off, we thought it may be a giant trevally and then when we saw colour we thought it might be a golden trevally.

Will post more photos from the trip. Really behind on many catch reports and photos – been fishing nearly non-stop, god bless!