Welcome to Sport Fishing Asia. Watch this video below to get a quick rundown of what we do.
How It Started
Hello there, my name is Juan Wei. I used to work in the creative industry, joining my first ad agency in 1989. My Sport Fishing Asia (SFA) adventure began when an overworked and stressed-out me landed in the hospital for two weeks at the beginning of 2009. Determined to flip my lifestyle around, I started fishing more and made a website which has since transformed into this epic journey.
My first fishing foray was in the 1980s when playing truant with high school friends at a pond fishing for snakeheads, pacu, iridescent shark, tilapia and carp.
Hatched in 2009 and officially taking off in 2010, Sport Fishing Asia and later Fly Fishing Asia, have allowed me to meet and fish with intrepid anglers from all over the world. Together we experienced new cultures, savour new delicacies and catch fish, including some bucket list species, in more ways than one.
Grateful To You All
I owe a huge thanks to the angling community and customers for joining me on this incredible adventure, many of you whom have since become friends and I hope you’ll continue to be part of our story.
Sport Fishing Asia aspires to expand its network of fishing destinations which started off within Malaysia, we quickly explored Thailand, Mongolia and Maldives. As of 2024 we are also fishing in Sabah and Kalimantan in Borneo, other parts of Indonesia, Cocos Islands, Bhutan and even as far as Mexico.

Fishing is Art
I am an avid angler myself, loves traveling and doing creative things. Fly fishing is my other interest and am a Certified Casting Instructor. I provide fly casting lessons or come fish with me and I’ll teach and share my experiences.
Thanks to a team of capable and experienced captains, guides and crew, Sport Fishing Asia have been able to cater to the experiences serious anglers are looking for.
If you’re a guide, an aspiring guide or a service provider who wants to collaborate, get in touch with us. Find out more below.
My latest addition to the range of services is the MERCH SHOP! Finally launched in the thick of the pandemic in April 2020!
Offering merchandise such as t-shirts, sportswears, mugs, caps, stickers – things which had always been in the pipeline and something I had been sitting on. The global health crisis hit us very badly but with the extra free time in hand, I focused much of my time to churn out merchs and set up the shop.
All product offerings in the shop features only original art which means they are all unique and not found elsewhere.
I’m also basing my merchandise production on a sustainable principle where nearly every single item is produced based on a made to order concept. No keeping of excessive stocks means reduced wastage
If you have something in mind and want to custom make and have a personalised merch, talk to JW, it may be possible!
Team Up With Me
I’m always looking for the right people to join me and make things happen. Get in touch if you fit any of the below:
- You are a fishing guide that wants to work together and expand
- You aspire to be a fishing GUIDE
- You are a creator and want to COLLABORATE
- You own a brand and want to be a SPONSOR
- You want me to use/test your gear and get some exposure
- I’m always open to IDEAS – hit me up
Stay safe and stay sane,
Juan Wei
I’m also in Instagram and Facebook and of course, YouTube.

Click to see what some of our customers have to say about us