Bonefish? Albula sp.? Kuala Rompin? Jigging?!
Yes, to all the above. It is not very common, but once in awhile the odd bonefish are boated in Kuala Rompin.
A coveted fish to anglers especially fly fishers (some say it is the fly fisher’s rite-of-passage-fish), the bonefish somewhat remains a mystic when it comes to science and how much is known about them.
There are 6 species in the Pacific and 3 in the Caribbean according to the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust, while FishBase lists some 11 species, subspecies, or “cryptic species”—including Albula vulpes (which North American anglers target most), Albula esuncula (the eastern pacific bonefish), Albula glossodonta (the roundjaw bonefish), and Albula oligolepsis (the small-scale bonefish), among others.
There is even one sounding very much like a famous tackle brand Abu Garcia, Albula garcia.