There’s more than one way to skin a cat and there’s more than one way to catch a fish! Does that make any sense? Nevermind, after catching my first fish using rod & line some twenty plus years ago, I have finally taken the plunge into the realms of fly fishing. A form of fishing that I’ve always wanted to experience and something on my to-do list for the past 2 years.
Instead of diving into writing about how to catch fish on fly-fishing gear or what flies to use to catch what fish, I’ve decide to chronicle my learning-to-fly-fish adventures.
Taking off on the right foot
It’s a fact that many beginner fly fishers give-up this method of fishing for one reason or another. Some quite soon too and that is a real pity. The most common excuse for hanging up the fly gear is not being able to get the casting right and thus, making the excuse that it is such a frustrating way to catch fish.
Before I could say time flies when you’re having fun, my fly casting lesson with Nafeez is over.
Next for me will be trying to figure out what is all this mumbo-jumbos… weight forward? Tapered line? 6/7 wt? Does a fly reel even have drag at all?
It’ll be great fun being able to compare the effectiveness of catching fish using various methods.