We’re just enthusiastic about what we do.
— Steve Jobs, 1985
It’s one of those strange feelings you get when something powerful happens. I’ve never had the chance to meet Steve Jobs but his passing a short while ago leave a strange emptiness in me.
You see, I work in the graphic industry (yes, I don’t get to fish all the time. Though I wish that’s the case) and I have been using an Apple Macintosh product for about 20 years. I remember back then when ad agencies started using Macs they cost more than a car! It was crazy but it revolutionized the desktop publishing scene and it was simply amazing.
I’ve never known much of other computer systems and such. I lose my way going through a Windows.
Everything you see on this blog for example, is created from a Mac one way or another, if not completely. Whether it’s the post itself, the image editing, the video productions, from my MacBook, iMac, iPad or what have you, there’s always an Apple somewhere. So I feel it is apt that I post a little tribute to Steve here on SportFishin.Asia.
Why is it that legends never live for long?
So, R.I.P. Steve Jobs. Thank you for everything. You will be greatly missed.
How about you my fellow angler? Did Apple or Steve Jobs change your life in any way? Leave your comment below.